
After a brief summer pause, we’re gonna get back on track here at Liberty Bristles. Let’s start with the war in Ukraine. This month the Ukrainian regime made a bold move. It attacked into Russia with some of its best units. It’s still too early to say much about its prospects. Information has been sparse about losses, and information about the front lines has been variable and questionable. Still, the Russians continue to advance in the east, if slowly, and I don’t think the Kursk offensive has changed the overall strategic picture much.  More than likely, the Ukrainian regime only sped its demise with its Kursk maneuver. We’ll probably know within a couple of weeks. One interesting highlight – the Russian advance in one area has run up against a series of coal mines, which seems to be daunting as a defensive structure. The mappers haven’t so stated, but I bet this is because of deep interconnecting tunnels. A vast inverted castle?

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2 Responses to Auto-exhaustion?

  1. Jeffrey Lebowski says:

    I think the Ukrainian incursion/assault/counter-invasion has multiple goals…

    First goal is the taking of Russian terrain for negotiations.

    Second goal is showing limits to Russian ability to defend their own populations.

    Third goal is showing that continued Western investment has potential return on investment, i.e. shoring up flagging support in all Western capitals. The reality is that data is coming out on how poorly the US economy alone is doing, and has been doing probably for over a year. The Yen carry trade meltdown is certainly making people feel the economic branch creaking, and the resultant inflation (on top of existing inflation) is potentially political catastrophic in the US. The establishment has essentially been playing their last deflationary card in complete Open Borders, which is actually starting to create defections within the Democratic Party. Enough defections to matter is known unknown.

    • Holmes Oliver says:

      Yes, all that you mention about what the Z regime might have been thinking is logical. Also logical that they were mistaken in their logic. It does not appear that the Kursk gambit will work. Just not enough Ukes to go around. Some months back we were getting daily and weekly reports on losses. No telling how accurate they were. Few stats on the matter lately, but so so many videos of things being blown up in Ukraine. Vehicle after vehicle; building after building. Frankly I’m impressed with how well the Ukrainians have done defending territory, but the slow push has been almost all one-sided in the east. I’m thinking now that mid-November the maps will tell us a lot about the final settlement, at least if Trump wins. I just don’t see Ukraine getting much land back. Positive for the Ukrainians is that they prob won’t lose Odessa.

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