HOA and LoW

‘Willy OAM’ follows the Ukraine War.  Diligent, sincere, moral, a student of warfare. I wish he were not so abused by PoliSci and neocon thought. He likes to cite Clausewitz and Kissinger. He has also taken to making plaintive comments about international law, the laws of war and all that. Anyhow, because my legion of followers knows that I’m a lawyer and total expert, here is my take.

Wife and I live in relatively remote little neighborhood out in the woods. It’s grown from about twelve to twenty homes within the last three or four years. All of the home buyers signed a ‘deed covenant’ that had neighborhood requirements (home size, no renters, no steel sheds, etc.) that all of you would recognize as HOA rules. Thing is, the original developer had been the HOA administrator. He and family fell out of the picture several years ago after a variety of personal and financial events. There has been little enforcement energy since, and no neighborhood unity regarding the covenants. Those supposed rules have been broken by so many new builders and owners, and in so many ways without an effective response, that the deed covenants are all but a dead letter. They’re an interesting wish list. I kind of wish they had been obeyed and I’m simultaneously glad I don’t have to worry about them anymore myself.

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1 Response to HOA and LoW

  1. Cullen says:

    NIMBY to YIMBY…. dust off those deed covenants and start kicking people out.

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