Oh My

The administrators of the United States Government have done a lot of horrible stupid things in the past few years, but because they feel they might only have a few months of power remaining, they seem to be considering ultima stupideta. The PoliSci warmongers in what some call the Biden administration may be about to facilitate the use of long-range weaponry into the country of Russia. Anyone have a worse idea? Anyone?

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3 Responses to Oh My

  1. Cullen says:

    It would truly be an appropriate American geopolitical response if we gave the Russians defense equipment to defend itself from those long range weapons that we gave to Ukraine

  2. Carla Marks says:

    Where did I miss this news?

    • Geoff Demarest says:

      Yes, the major networks have not been giving this sufficient coverage. Zelensky has been in the US touting what he calls his victory plan, which centers around attacks deep into Russian territory using western (mostly US) long-range weapons. Although the Putin folk have been assuring everyone that it is not a good idea, it is not.

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