The Constitution Really IS under Attack

James Howard Kunstler (1) Heroes and Villains – by James Howard Kunstler ( and PJ Media WATCH: John Kerry at WEF Literally Calls For End of First Amendment Speech Rights – PJ Media both cover John Kerry’s most recent awful horrible dangerous disconcerting hardblow in front of the World Economic Forum. Kerry has aged into an old fart, and old farts tend to overspeak their minds. From Kerry’s squishy mind and out of his maw comes the assertion (well received by his audience) that the First Amendment to the US Constitution is an impediment to the elite’s ability to control public narrative and get things done.  Yup, there it is, out in the open — the US Constitution has got to go, starting with all the nonsense about freedom of speech. Are we truly and surely effed?  Maybe. Both Kunstler’s piece and the article in PJ Media are worth your while and better than I would do. Remember, Kerry is Henny Penny and a Democrat Party champion. I hope the Democrats lose bigly.

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