Regarding the War Beset on Israel

OK, then, my opinion about what is happening with Israel:

Some rhetorical and half-rhetorical questions to set foundation.

Is Israel the underdog? Pretty sure that if we add up the size of the thirty countries in the world with majority Muslim populations, we’ll get over 9 million square miles and over 1.5 billion people. Not saying that the governments of all those places are dedicated to the elimination of Jewish Israel, but most either explicitly support that endeavor or do so passively. Israel, meanwhile, has less than nine thousand square miles and fewer than ten million people. Let’s see, calculating, calculating. Underdog by a thousand to one. I’m betting that the majority of US student demonstrators railing at Netanyahu are unfamiliar with the basic geographic facts, much less the historical.

Are Jewish Israeli politics and society more or less liberal than Israel’s Muslim counterparts?  Eh, the answer is almost as clear as the geographic differential. The Jewish state of Israel is far more liberal in the classic sense.

Have Jews been historical victims of genocide or have the Muslims?  Rhetorical

Do Jews or Muslims hold a place in the Christian Bible as chosen people? Rhetorical

Have Muslim countries ever tried to invade Israel before or has Israel been the aggressor?  Rhetorical Muslim states have been the aggressors historically.

Which side has been more willing to negotiate, Israeli governments or Muslim governments? Israeli.

Have I known more American Jews in my life who were concerned about the defense and preservation of Israel, or Muslims who were tolerant regarding the defense and preservation of Israel? I have known many such Jews and never such a Muslim.

Is Iran the principle Muslim state threat against Israel?  It certainly seems so. Iran is also a major, if not the number one supporter of international terrorism.

Does Iran support Hamas and Hezbollah?  Rhetorical

Considering the above, the best course of action available to the government of Israel (if the preservation of Israel and the population that lives there is its concern) is to try militarily to kill as much of Hamas and Hezbollah as it can, as soon as possible. Iran is a more difficult target. If I were President of the United States, I would support Israeli military effort to defang, de-nut and decapitate the government of Iran.  (The quality of this last assertion on my part would of course depend on a lot of secret information about the actual possibilities of doing such – information I do not have, so in that I have to waffle)

But since I’ve made myself President, I would also end any vestige of support for a “two-state solution.” I think that is total, evil nonsense. Such a state would only and quickly become a vehicle for further attack against Israel. I would not use the term Palestinian any longer, would not recognize any passports or documents that identified anyone as Palestinian except to the extent they were first officially recognized as a citizen or subject of an existing state.

And now that I’m on a roll as President, I would do what I could to weaken and end the United Nations, which is little more than a vehicle for anti-Jew hatred and stupidity. Likewise, the International Court of Whateverthehell. We have to stop pandering to those organizations and their NGO spawns.  They are not legitimate, and we have to stop pretending that they are.

I remember when Lebanon was a mostly Christian country. Now we live this little diplomatic falsehood that the government of Lebanon has any life or say apart from Hezbollah.  Well, OK, maybe now since the recent great whoopening given to Hezbollah by the Israelis, maybe now there exists a window for establishing a real government in Lebanon. Maybe Lebanon can become other than a launch pad. I dunno.  If the current US regime continues to be the US regime, forget it.

It is worth underlying, highlighting and repeating that the countries surrounding Israel evidently despise the people they call Palestinians. Those countries should be made to accept the immigration of as many of the Gaza Arabs and West Bank Arabs as wish to migrate to and assimilate into their countries.

And as for the war in Ukraine and how we could negotiate an end to it, there is not much for us to ask for from the Russians that they would give that they could give.  One thing, though. We could ask that they stop their support of Iran in the latter’s death stance against Israel and that the Russian government revert in its relations with the Israeli government to the status quo ante.

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