Calling it Now

Today it is two weeks from Election Day 2024. It is no longer actually Election Day. It is now just the End of In-person Voting Day. Sad, but that’s the reality this go-around.  Anyway, I figure I better say something about the coming results so as to give my legion of fans a chance to tut-tut if I predict incorrectly.  I predict that Donald Trump will become the next President of the United States, having BEATEN THE CHEATIN’. The numbers for Whatsherface will be formidable with gargantuan fraud of all types. It will avail her not. The owners of the Democrat Party will have received their comeuppance for their cynicism in having chosen the fourth-string personalities they did to be the faces of their party. Electoral democracy is not that big a deal, not that great a thing. Democracy is a tyranny of math, conmen, and cattle. Sometimes, however, sometimes, when the evil is obvious enough and too many people are too off-pissed, sometimes elections can serve to boot the bums out. This is one of those times. Prayer will help.

This entry was posted in Culture, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Worldview. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Calling it Now

  1. Carla Marks says:

    Is there some bias (wish) behind your opinion here, or do you believe that factually this will actually occur? What do you think is truly different this round?

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