Great Again Begins

Well Halleluiah, whadayaknow! We are entering a new era. We are still going to suffer an awful internal fight, a civil war. The monster did not roll over and die, but we are in a way way better position for winning the thing now that the Dems have taken this drubbing. There is no doubt about Donald Trump having earned this victory. Everyone with eyes saw a man work as hard as a human could, uphill against every type of attack. The Democrats made some stupid mistakes, all perfectly in character, but they did not lose the election as much as Trump won it. So what now?  First thing is he is going to have to stay alive. We are going to have to keep him alive. Then comes the question of retribution. As all you highly intelligent fans of Winning Irregular War and On Multiform War are aware, the single most influential condition contributing to the commission of crimes is impunity, and the single most consequential condition enabling impunity is absence of a punitive pursuit. That is to say, the bad guys have to be made to pay for it. The people who have abused legal processes and who have abused government positions have to be punished. The deep state is the worst conduit and enabler of iniquities. President Trump and his people suffered their abuses personally. The purge they effect will be righteous and justified. The abusers know it. We need to keep the President alive. He helped America dodge a bullet.

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3 Responses to Great Again Begins

  1. Ivan Burl Welch says:

    Where shall we look for this pursuit? In the courtroom? In the Boardroom? In the classroom?

    Will there be mercy or will there be blood?

    • Holmes Oliver says:

      It will be a multiform war. As I see it, mercy is more of a personal quality than a group thing. I think ‘measure’ is often a good synonym for mercy, and ‘punishment’ not its antonym. I dunno, though. I suspect there will be some hard moments. Thanks for the comment, Ivan. Hope you are doing well.

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