OK, Back Again

It’s now 11 November and a long time since I’ve opined on the site.  My excuse is party that I’ve spent writing time on X and on Willy OAM. Also, the global geopolitical landscape and our internal domestic politics and culture war have been stumblingly elaborate.  I just haven’t felt knowledgeable enough, for instance, to say much about what is going on in Syria.  I did, however, find a site called Politics with Paint that helped a bit.  Try it out. Politics with Paint – YouTube

As for Ukraine, it befuddles to see a Frenchman go about trying to lead Europeans to greater military efforts in Ukraine.  It disconcerts and angers that another fifty billion dollars is about to be peed away in that direction. January 20 just can’t get here fast enough. To me, it’s obvious that the Ukrainian fighting force has been doing a remarkably well slowing down the Russian military. As a result, Ukraine is likely to exist as an independent country. The Ukrainian nation will likely have a place of their own. That said, it’s not going to be a European power and not going to have as much of a coal industry. I see no reason for it to be part of NATO.  In fact, NATO needs to be radically re-thought.

Which brings us to the question of Turkey. Let’s review the character, role and value of the Turkish government to American interests and security. And what is the relationship of that government to the security of Israel?

The United Staes needs to get stronger militarily, and fast. Naval power should be a priority.

Regarding our culture war, for now I’ll just refer you to a fellow named J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ. Great site and no paywall.  Ace of Spades HQ

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