Geostrategic Outlook before he Beginning

I’m writing this on the fly and off the cuff directly into this space, so you get what you get. This is January 7th, President Trump has been making some moves and setting out some strategic pieces. One of the things I like to remind about good-strategy-making is to be in charge of the vocabulary and the grammar. We don’t have to take the words as we find them if we don’t have to. Eh? There’s a solid article in American Thinker about the term “West Bank.” No need to use that term when Judea and Samaria are better. There was never a “West Bank” and need not be. There’s no need for the incoming administration to accept any kind of Palestinian passport. “There is no need to “Gullf of America?” Genius. Sends a hell of a strong message to Mexico. Greenland to have a new name as an American territory, maybe Glacierland? Genius. Some of the Dutch don’t like the idea? Not a problem. We can change the name of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to the Eastern Europe Defense Organization, create another organization for the defense of the North Atlantic. Maybe they’ll want in. These things might sound silly to start, but then they don’t. Then they make all the sense in the world. Reagan heard the term “mutually assured destruction,” a part of PoliSci grammar that had been totally swallowed and digested in the US. It was a theoretical whim turned fundamental diplomatic truth. Reagan listened and said, “Yeah, no.” And it was gone. Can Israel be bigger to be safer? Sure. Can Ukraine be smaller, so everyone is safer? Sure.

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