Welcome to Liberty Bristles. It’s called Liberty Bristles because it will often deal with how power (political, military, social, etc.) should be distributed and used and from where power is derived. The site is ideological, strategic and miscellaneous, not necessarily in that order. In 2024 and 2025, posts and comments can hardly be made except against the background of America under attack. We’ll try to keep it light, though. We can share entertaining stuff of various kinds, including (mildly) lurid, lascivious, prurient, adolescent material if necessary for the good of psychological order.
Not everything is about power. Most of life is not about power, not about politics, not a zero-sum game and definitely not military. This site’s name rails in the lesser part of life that is about power, and sure, sweeping our enemies before us and listening to the lamentations of their women is good. So is the aggressive defense of liberty and our American Revolution, but those things aren’t THAT big a deal. Dogs and grandchildren are bigger. Cars and pick-up trucks with big engines, power tools, grilled burgers and some electronics are all good. I think golf takes too long, but there are a few good people who just love it. Camping is, if there aren’t too many bugs. Alcohol can be at the right dosage. There’s plenty more that’s marvelous. Enjoy life. We scorn God when we do not recognize, celebrate and enjoy His creation. Philosophy to live by: to worship the Lord we must do some partying. Thanksgiving Day was a straight-up good idea, especially the part where you snooze on the couch or watch football while the lady fixes dinner.
However, along with all the finer things, there are annoyances causing damage to the structure of life. Liberty is increasingly under attack, in insidious ways, including by whiny sorts offended by everything. The reverberating whiniest of whiners aren’t even actually offended — they fake it, trying to gain and concentrate power from both real and contrived confrontations. They’re busy in their struggling — Alinskiing or Clower-Pivening or something. Some are just straight-up classic armed enemy powers. A lot of these folk claim there is no American Way, no American exceptionalism. Those people are no bueno, my friends, no bueno.
The descriptors libertarian and conservative might be sort of OK for this site. American Revolutionary Affirmationist or Originalist could work. I think I’d go with “Freeness Suffusionist” if that were less weird and not too cute by half. ‘Right wing’, however, is not a good descriptor. The left-right gamut is an artificial euro-Hegelian mind-trap. The classic (1930’s -style?) left-and-right socialisms have merged, and debate about even that is a tad boring. There is definitely a far Left in America, however, if for no other reason than because the Leftists say so. That Left then names everything it opposes as right, because of course it does.
Latin America is close geographically, so the site has somewhat of a regional lean in that direction. Finally, regarding Internet inspirations, the mens rea of the blog Ace of Spades HQ is one. There they enjoy an ‘Ace of Spades HQ lifestyle,’ indescribable by as untalented a writer as I. The gurus there do, however, occasionally note with admiration what is known as ‘Florida Man.’ Here we will not abide such. This location will be for people who are refined and consequential. However, until we figure out what that means and engage in whatever self-improvement we must to achieve it, Ace of Spades HQ will do nicely as a style guide. AOC HQ is the gold standard. No, they did not pay us to say so. Find other favored sites on our “Other Sites” page.
This site will not advertise commercially or ask for donations until at least after the 2024 elections. It will be open to public commentary during 2024. We’ll consider and carefully build the author pool, seeking only the sharpest intellects with most commendable characters. Friends, in other words.